Advantages of Totem Digital Signage
Advertising Advantages
Digital advertising invigorates and injects momentum into marketing campaigns, so what better way to start the New Year than with a totem digital advertising display?
Enhance your advertising for:
- Promotional offers
- Products or services
- Your business brand
For Information Purposes
Totem digital signage displays provide the perfect solution for conveying information and can be used as information points. This is a particularly common method of use across:
- Transport Hubs
- Sports Venues
- Art Galleries
Practical Advantages
Rather than being fixed to a wall, or displayed from the ceiling, these unique display units can be bolted to the floor, indoors or outdoors, occupying a primary position where they’re most likely to achieve maximum impact. They can be strategically positioned to your advantage in order to achieve the best possible results in terms of interaction and engagement.
Altering what’s displayed on the screen is also made easy. Changing a billboard display, for instance, requires manpower and is extremely time-consuming. Uploading content onto a digital screen can be done using a memory card and allows for almost instant display.
The long-term costs of digital display advertising are also favorable when compared with other advertising platforms. Digital advertising displays are not restricted by time constraints; whereas TV advertising costs, for instance, stretch into the thousands allowing for a short advertising duration only.