Glow Signboard is one of the most crucial components of your brand, this works like a magnet to pull in the consumers.  It really bring a glow to your company as they are the groups most attractive and allow you to experiment with loads of different strategies that will eventually improve your competitive identity, which will obviously serve as a jump start for your brand. The available varieties are restricted to your imagination only. One of the most popular but efficient types of signboards is the lighting board, which gives the brand a simplistic and minimalist vibe, which is also the most economical of the bunch.

There are different styles of security signages available for various industries. This signage falls into two groups, primarily day glow and auto glow. Auto glow signage is specifically concerned with fire protection. They have a distinctive property that they absorb light and shine into the dark. These signages have a history of green radium. The text & logos are written in red or dark green. Most of the Day glow signs have white vinyl film as a backdrop. The backdrop can be dark blue & text and white matter in the event of informational signage. The back ground is golden yellow & text and logo in black color in case of warning signage.

There are different styles of security signages available for various industries. This signage falls into two groups, primarily day glow and auto glow. Auto glow signage is specifically concerned with fire protection. They have a distinctive property that they absorb light and shine into the dark. These signages have a history of green radium. The text & logos are written in red or dark green. Most of the Day glow signs have white vinyl film as a backdrop. The backdrop can be dark blue & text and white matter in the event of informational signage. The back ground is golden yellow & text and logo in black color in case of warning signage.

Features of Glow Sign Board

Material:                                       Top of all brands in the industry

Brightness:                                     Hi-intensity branded LED for the uniform glow.

Durability:                                     3-5 years for top quality product.

Size & Colour:                               Any size, shapes & colour available.

Corrosion-free:                             Yes material available.

Weather & Waterproof:             Yes for a complete unit

Manufacturing Time:                   3-5 days for a top-quality product.*

Installation Time:                         1-2 days on-site.


Highly Reliable, easy to install and fine finish

Easy to Use

Greater Color Combinations

LED Boards are Available in all Shapes and Sizes

Glow sign boards can be placed in darker areas, during the night time and it is profoundly practical during the day

Environmental Friendly


In areas like workshop, office, plant, laboratories this signage is used for information to show direction towards safety route, doors, etc. In case emergency like fire, earthquake, etc. it glows showing the direction to persons trapped in dark. These signages can be fixed at fire exit, emergency exit, fire extinguisher, fire point, fire alarm, fire hydrant, stair case, assembly point, etc.